These pages provide links to my various books and (mainly) academic articles. I have not included encyclopedia entries, book reviews, magazine articles and other minor works. For convenience, I have grouped the publications under six general headings, but the boundaries are not firm. In research and writing as in more practical matters I’ve always been something of a Jack-of-all-trades and have been lucky enough to be able to follow a range of multi-disciplinary interests rather than confining myself to any one specialism. My core intellectual interests are in the history and philosophy of science, politics and morality, drawing on philosophy to frame my topics and history to explore them. But I have also spent most of my career teaching and managing in business schools and a lot of my work has been devoted to understanding from a very practical perspective how businesses and other organizations work. These rather different themes inevitably overlap in some of my writing, but only to a limited extend. The categories within each theme are, however, more fluid.
The Rationality of Christian Belief
Truth, Knowledge and Religious Belief
The Meanings of Belief
Reason: Its Power and Limitations, Uses and Abuses in Science, the Humanities, Ethics and Religion
The Art of Managing
Ethics and Finance: Why is it Such a Problem?
Ethics and Finance: An Introduction
Management: A Very Short Introduction
Exploring CEO Identities: Leadership, Accountability and Role
A Very Elite Practice: Corporate CEOs and the Practice of Strategy
Managerial Discretion and the Practice of Corporate Governance
Can Company-fund Manager Meetings Convey Informational Benefits? Exploring the Rationalisation of Equity Investment Decision Making by UK Fund Managers
CEO Pay, Motivation and the Meaning of Money
Ethics and Moral Practice
Ethical Cultures and Traditions
KPMG, Tax Shelters and the Ethics of Tax Accounting
Short Cases in International Business Ethics
Shell in Nigeria
Goldman Sachs and the Abacus Deals
Only Human?
Responsible Ownership, Shareholder Value and the New Shareholder Activism
Management Education and the Humanities: The Challenge of Post-Bureaucracy
Educating Managers for Post-Bureaucracy: The Role of the Humanities
Owners or Traders? Conceptualisations of Institutional Investors and their Relationships with Corporate Managers
In the Mirror of the Market: The Disciplinary Effects of Company – Fund Manager Meetings
Regulating the Corporation: The Role of the Institutional Investor
Beyond Self-interest: Agency Theory and the Board in a Satisficing World
Lady Chatterley, Conkers and Entrepreneurial Freedom
Between Enterprise and Ethics
The Cultural Confusions of Enterprise and the Myth of the Bureaucratised Entrepreneur
Why Executives should be Banned from the Board
Recovering Moral Engagement in Business: From Discipline to Dialogue
Managing in the New Moral Culture
The Structure and Significance of Strategic Episodes: Social Systems Theory and the Routine Practices of Strategic Change
Universalizability and Reciprocity in International Business Ethics
Moral Departures and Moral Resources in Bureaucratic and Post-Bureaucratic Organizations
Beyond Analysis: Moral Engagement, Case Studies and the Teaching of Business Ethics
European Cases in Strategic Management
The Principal’s Other Problems: Honest Incompetence and Management Contracts
Morality and Markets: a Response to Boatright
After Durkheim: An Agenda for the Sociology of Business Ethics
Economic Contracts versus Social Relationships as a Foundation for Normative Stakeholder Theory
Missing the Target: Normative Stakeholder Theory and the Corporate Governance Debate
Discourse and the Study of Organization: Toward a Structurational Perspective
Strategic Decision Making, Discourse, and Strategy as Social Practice
Cultural Theory and Contemporary Management Organization
Mintzberg’s Theory of Organization Structure: A Critical Assessment and Extension
Process Re-engineering and the Dynamic Balance of the Organisation
Corporate Culture Change: Is it Still Relevant for Organisations in the 1990s?
Culture, Community and Networks: The Hidden Costs of Outsourcing
Business Ethics
Cultural Change and Competitive Performance
Fusion Research in the UK 1945-1960
Strategic Thinking: Leadership and Management of Change
Innovating for Failure
The Problem with Porter’s Generic Strategies
The Scientific Origins of Controlled Fusion Technology
Niels Bohr: a World Beyond Visualization
The Teashop Computer Manufacturer: J.Lyons, LEO and the Potential and Limits of High-Tech Diversification
James Clerk Maxwell and the Theory of the Electromagnetic Field
The History of Complementarity
The Evolution of William Rowan Hamilton’s View of Algebra as the Science of Pure Time
Weimar Culture and Quantum Causality
Cambridge Physics in the Thirties
The Creation of Quantum Mechanics and the Bohr Pauli Dialogue
Prolonged Negotiations: The British Fast Computer Project and the Early History of the British Computer Industry
Monopoles Before Dirac
Understanding Science
Mayer, Herschel and Prévost on the Solar Motion
Pauli as Philosopher
Bohr-Kramers-Slater: A Virtual Theory of Virtual Oscillators and Its Role in the History of Physics
Newton’s Theory of Colour
The Development of Attitudes to the Wave-Particle Duality of Light and Quantum Theory, 1900-1920
Reminiscence and the Contemporary History of Science