Oxford University Press, 2004 What are the implications of a society in which traditional moral values of duty and obligation sit side by side with socially legitimized self-interest? Drawing on …
Recovering Moral Engagement in Business: From Discipline to Dialogue
Paper presented at the Society for Business Ethics annual conference, Seattle, 2003.
Managing in the New Moral Culture
This essay, originally produced as a paperback pamphlet in 2003, summarizes the main arguments of my book Between Enterprise and Ethics.
Universalizability and Reciprocity in International Business Ethics
Business Ethics Quarterly 9: 405-420 (1999). Reprinted in G. Redding & B.W. Stening, Cross-Cultural Management (Edward Elgar, 2002)
Moral Departures and Moral Resources in Bureaucratic and Post-Bureaucratic Organizations
Unpublished working paper, 2002.
Beyond Analysis: Moral Engagement, Case Studies and the Teaching of Business Ethics
Brunel University Conference on Teaching Business Ethics, Brunel University, December 2002
Morality and Markets: a Response to Boatright
Business Ethics Quarterly 11: 537-545 (2001)
After Durkheim: An Agenda for the Sociology of Business Ethics
Journal of Business Ethics 34: 209-218 (2001)
Economic Contracts versus Social Relationships as a Foundation for Normative Stakeholder Theory
Business Ethics: A European Review 10: 223-232 (2001) 50+ cites
Missing the Target: Normative Stakeholder Theory and the Corporate Governance Debate
Business Ethics Quarterly 11: 159-176 (2001). Reprinted in Moon, J., Orlitsky, M and Whelan, G., eds, Corporate Governance and Business Ethics (Edward Elgar, 2010) 50+ cites