This interest goes back to postdoctoral work on the Official History of atomic energy in 1950s Britain, which led on to studies of the emergent computer industry and the industrial policy of the 1960s. Because most of the official history was never published (the lead professor never finished it), the bibliography is rather lean and heavily weighted towards the history of technology. After a rather long break, however, I am now exploring questions of moral change in the postwar decades, with particular reference to changing authority structures and associated changes in the criteria by which we decide what is or is not moral.


Inovating for Failure
MIT Press, 1993Now out of print and hard to find other than in university libraries, Innovating for Failure uses a case study of the emergent computer industry to explore post-war British industrial policy as exercised through the National Research Development Corporation.  50+ cites

The Teashop Computer Manufacturer: J.Lyons, LEO and the Potential and Limits of High-Tech Diversification
Business History 29: 73-102 (1987)
Prolonged Negotiations: The British Fast Computer Project and the Early History of the British Computer Industry
Business History 26: 280-306 (1984)
Fusion Research in the UK, 1945-1960
London: HMSO for the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority, 1993. (with John Lawson)
Technological Decision Making in its Organizational: Nuclear Reactor Research and Development in Britain, 1945-1960
Cambridge: Judge Institute of Management Studies, Working Paper 4/91 (1991), 104pp.